$10,000 (SOLD)
(2019) 33" x 44" Pen and Ink Mixed Media Illustration Set in Custom Maple Frame.
Contact for purchase inquiries. Matted Prints and Mounted Prints available. 


Funny thing, vulnerability. To be vulnerable literally means exposed to danger, and we learn to avoid this state as a means of survival. Yet we also require vulnerability as a means to connect interpersonally. As a society we are experiencing a generational changing of the guard, as vulnerability and access to one’s feelings are increasingly seen as strengths; repressed feelings can cause a lack of emotional well being as well as mental and physical illness. What a conundrum: this concept that protects us, can kill us. Snow leopards - a protected species - are capable killers who stalk their prey in silence as they prowl on the insteps of their feet. The snow leopard symbolizes trusting one’s own instincts and preparing for a major turning point in life. The stunningly beautiful black diamond lenten rose grows in shade and can be poisonous if eaten in large quantities (LOL - I think we’re safe here, people). What a paradox we must live, learning to be vulnerable to thrive as a fully realized being, and protecting oneself while navigating this complicated labyrinth we call life.
